Blog: On Late Nights, Ladies and Cryptic Crosswords

Note: This is the Permalink archive of this post.

I know, I know. This blog has an update turnaround similar to that of the Arcadia, with much less class and a whole lot less money. Alas, we begin once more - and there will be a rigid (or at least more rigid) timetable for updates as I further distance myself from everyone by going to Uni, maybe one a week? Anyway...

Here I am, 2am on a Saturday (with work looming in a matter of hours) and I can't sleep. It may be something to do with the heat, or a guest loudly watching television in the lounge, but I think it's something more. That's right, readership, your glorious Editor- (Commander?) in-Chief has himself some lady woes. Though, I stress, not particularly complex or interesting ones.

Keen-eyed readers may have noticed a previous entry, though it was only on the homepage for a mere two months, detailing 50 things I wanted to tell someone. And I would like this opportunity to add one more thing, you are a waste of time. You took months from me, opportunities I wasted, evenings I chose texting over talking. You are a time thief and I just won't ake it anymore. I change my opinion, I won't miss you.

So I still hate Facebook, right, and nothing more so than people 'liking' pages that are a one line quip or quote. There are some good pages, I can even understand expressing your appreciation of a celebrity - but for the love of God please stop liking pages that express emotions or feelings. We get it, you want to show your ex (normally) how you feel, or at least wish to appear, and it's more 'subtle' than a status (or, God forbid a conversation), but it just makes you look needy, unoriginal and just... boring!

Oh... Cryptic crosswords are badass. Seriously, the rush of completion is far more than many games I've played recently (and I just 3-Starred the first three worlds of Angry Birds)!

By Patrick on 16 Jul 2011

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