Blog: Wow... Been A While

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Okay, well, I haven't updated this for a while... Whilst I'd like to bore you with in-depth explanations as to why, the basics are exams, my host going down, and a general lack of being arsed. However, do I have news for you! I've finished my exams, got a haircut, kicked my host up the backside, and I'm coing back, stronger than ever!

Well, item one, exams went really, really well. I think I've already pretty much forgotten them, but from what I remember, only a couple worried me (Chemistry and Physics I kind of... Forgot to revise for, and History I ran out of time in), but I should be on for a decent haul of results. I need all A/A* grades to get me into my course at college, with all A*s for a free new MacBook Pro from my dad, so here's hoping!

There's another thing, college. I went in for the induction day on the 30th June, and it was awesome, seriously, I met a load of incredible people there - including James McKnight, who (how, I don't know) has convinced me to join his paintball team. Found all of my classes were a healthy proportion of girls to boys, including English Literature, which was a roomful of about 17 girls... And three boys.

Unfortunately, then, item three... I have a girlfriend. Running through the quick check-list of the normal qualities in a Patrick Quinn® girlfriend (psycho, blind, stupid, mental, actually a man, born to lesbian parents, has mis-spelled name), we can see that Miss Chelsie Pittman possesses just the one. Can you guess which?

Picturez0rs (she's on the left):

So I've been spending an... unhealthy amount of time with her recently, however, I'm off to America in under a week's time, so I guess it's justified. Also, she has funny hair (pot, kettle), and if she isn't reminded of it at least three times a week, her feet fall off, so I feel it my duty to keep up the insults.

Stef has fallen out with me. If you can see why, please let me know, because, frankly, I can't. Basically, a couple of weeks ago, I held a little party round my house, nothing serious, so my best friend (that'll be Stef) could meet all my new friends, including the Chelsie Dagger. So, she says she'll turn up and crash, and all's well.

So, the day came, and she didn't show, so I assumed she'd been caught in traffic, so sent a quick text - nothing. The others were getting hungry, but I convinced them to wait for an hour, before finally I caved, embarrassed that she hadn't showed. Then, a week of calling, MSNing and texting later, I finally get a reply, and it says:

"shit happens tbh"

No apology, no explanation, no nothing. So, I reply with pretty much everything above, followed by a nice, hearty 'fuck you'. And now she's all pissy. Fucking women. Not to mention she ditched my best friend at the prom to go talk with her fuckwit of a ex-boyfriend all night - but I refuse to be drawn further into her fucked-up love-life. It's just plain old pathetic.

Anyway, beyond that - America on Saturday! I have a big travel journal to fill with photos, letters and things for Chelsie, so I'll never be stuck for something to do. Hooray!
By Patrick on 07 Jul 2008
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