Blog: Wow, It's Been A While...

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Okay, so I'm not the most determined blogger of all time - I set out with a goal of an update every day, then every week, and now I'm down to trying to get one every year... Well, I apologize - and I'll try and make it up to you with a massive update, the likes of which you have never, ever, seen before!*

*Not a guarantee.

Well, let's start where I left off - America was amazing. It seems a long, long time ago now, but the memories remain intact. You can see all the photos I promised three months ago a while back in my Facebook albums (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6). Belated thanks again to Rob and Lynne for putting me up, I had a blast.

I took yet another holiday during the summer! With my mum, sailing from Holland to London in a tall ship. Despite being the weirdest premise for a relaxing week I'd ever heard, it was a great trip. We were divided into three 'watches', taking alternate 4-hour shifts, from lunch, to the middle of the night. Sitting on the top of the Pelican of London at 3 o' clock in the morning, watching the stars, in the middle of the North Sea has to be one of the most tranquil moments of my life. Until I got hit by a wave. Again.

So, what else happened this summer? Well, finally, I got myself a job. A real one. With hours, and a clocking-in machine, and work... Crazy. Officially, I'm a Level-One Health & Safety Trained Food Handler. To my friends, I work at McDonalds. And you know what? It's brilliant. I've met people there I'd never have found anywhere else, and some who I'm sure will stick with me for a very long time. The cheesy hype is actually fairly accurate - it's like joining a new family, everyone knows your name, and they're always glad you came. Especially if you're working on the grill side. There are never enough people on grill side. Sure, the work is shit, but the money's good, and it passes the time. What more can I ask?

And then, as quickly as it began, the summer ended, and I started at college. Okay, so I missed the bus twice in two days, but other than that, it's been perfect. I've met so many new people, from the lads on the bus (we went to see the Saints win 2-0 on Tuesday), to the girls on The Brock Magazine team (of which I'm the editor). The lessons are great, I love the feeling of looking at my timetable in the morning and thinking "yeah, there's nothing there I'm not looking forward to". Except politics - because of Will. Don't ask. *Nod to Micala*

I've decided to be really boring here, and not post any pictures, or YouTube videos, as there's quite simply been far too much to cover - but fear not - they shall return with my next blog. All that's to know for now is that life is good, I'm feeling great, and I'm setting myself up for another huge fall already. You'll find out about that soon enough.

Okay, I lied:


The Brock Magazine will be up on Thursday - so that's probably around about when I'll make my next post. I'll see you all then - thanks for reading. China called, it appears they want their wall back!
By Patrick on 04 Oct 2008
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