Blog: What A Random Night...

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Just had a really weird, random night...

Okay, so firstly I had a nice night out with the gang, with our soon-to-be-weekly 'Poker night'. Naturally, I won. Hard. I mean, it's not like I enjoy beating complete newbies with my 3 hours a night addiction (much like a heroin addict laughing at someone getting high off a joint), but, wait... No, no I enjoyed it quite a lot, actually. Much like a...

Anyway, my friend 'C-Hippy' realised he had 'somehow' got himself kicked out of his own home, and found himself in need of bed and board for the night. As an aside, what the fuck is 'board'? Well, I offered, and we got our drive on on a cigarette fruit run to Ower.

On the way, we had an epiphany that our two situations were very much alike, insofar as we are both leading completely and utterly fucked up lives. Yeah. We both can't seem to find a decent relationship - and just can't be bothered with it all anymore. No, not in a mass-suicide kind of way, but in a 'why bother' sort of mentality.

Essentially, we concluded that we're both under undue pressure in relation to future life and university, and began to discuss our future plans - I announced my plans to move out and work full time for a year or so, in lieu of getting a degree, and, at that moment, a car arrived next to us at the petrol station - Lucy Battrick - who, out of the blue, asked me if I "was still going to Uni" before proceeding to go on about how I shouldn't "waste my potential", having not heard a word of our conversation.

I think we now both believe in God. Fuck.
By Patrick on 05 Mar 2010
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